
FAQ sur les jouets sexuels

Table des matières

Is it ok for a 15-year-old girl to use a butt plug?

Si vous vous sentez à l'aise d'utiliser un, alors vas-y! Mais si vous avez des réserves quant à l'utilisation d'un, then don’t. L'essentiel est de se connaître et d'écouter son corps. Je te conseille aussi d'en parler à tes parents, car ils peuvent aider à donner un aperçu de leur opinion. Vous pouvez également en parler avec un adulte qui a de l'expérience avec les jouets anaux (comme un médecin).

What’s a good excuse for a vibrator? I’m a teen and my mom wouldn’t want me to have one.

The best excuse for a vibrator is that it’s something you need to do your homework.
It’s a good thing your mom doesn’t want you to have one because I don’t think she would approve of this. Mais si tu en veux un, Je suggère de lui dire que vous en avez besoin pour l'école.

Quand ma soeur était au lycée, she had to do a science project about the Earth’s magnetic field and needed a compass to test its strength at different points around the world. Elle a dit à ma mère qu'elle avait besoin d'argent pour une boussole - et elle l'a fait - mais quand elle est rentrée de l'école un jour, il y avait une boussole sur son bureau.

Ma sœur a découvert plus tard que ma mère lui avait acheté un vibromasseur au lieu d'une boussole parce qu'elle pensait que ce serait mieux que d'avoir un autre bébé à la maison!

What are some good reviewed small and quiet vibrators under $40?

What are some good reviewed small and quiet vibrators under $40?

Lelo Mia 2 est un excellent choix. It’s very quiet and has a decent intensity level for its size. It’s also waterproof, ce qui est un gros plus. Vous pouvez l'obtenir sur Amazon pour environ $60.

Le We-Vibe Tango est une autre bonne option, but it’s not as discreet as the Lelo Mia 2 (it’s about twice as loud). Vous pouvez l'obtenir sur Amazon pour environ $50.

Le We-Vibe Touch est également un excellent choix, but it’s even louder than the Tango (et je trouve que c'est un problème avec tous les produits We-Vibe). Vous pouvez l'obtenir sur Amazon pour environ $60.

Un bon vibromasseur est un investissement. Il peut être difficile d'en trouver un qui réponde à tous vos besoins et dépasse vos attentes. It’s not just about the size, shape or color — it’s about what it can do for you!
If you’re looking for a small and quiet vibrator under $40, Voici quelques suggestions:

Le vibromasseur Mini Dolphin de Just Add Water est en silicone avec un design étanche. Il a 15 vitesse et est idéal pour la stimulation clitoridienne. Le design est simple mais efficace et facile à utiliser. This little guy is small enough to fit in your pocket if you’re going somewhere where you don’t want anyone knowing what you’re doing with it!

The Pocket Rocket by Doc Johnson is another popular choice that’s simple but gets the job done. Il a deux vitesses et se décline en plusieurs couleurs, y compris rose et violet. If you’re looking for something smaller than the Mini Dolphin but still want a vibrator that’s quiet, c'est un excellent choix!

I’m a girl (14 years old). My mom took my vibrator from me because she thinks I’m too young to use it. What am I supposed to do?

En tant que parent et femme qui y est moi-même allée, Je suis désolé que vous ayez affaire à cela. Je ne peux qu'imaginer à quel point cela doit être frustrant et bouleversant pour vous. Cependant, Je crois qu'il existe des moyens pour vous de contourner cette situation sans avoir à recourir à quelque chose de drastique comme fuir la maison.

À mon avis, la meilleure façon de gérer cela est d'en parler à votre mère de manière calme et rationnelle. Elle n'est peut-être pas consciente des avantages de la masturbation et de sa fréquence chez les adolescents d'aujourd'hui.

Si elle refuse toujours de vous rendre votre vibromasseur, vous pouvez peut-être lui demander pourquoi elle vous l'a retiré en premier lieu.? Elle l'a peut-être enlevé parce qu'elle pense que c'est "sale", "pécheur" ou "faux", mais si elle ne donne aucune raison, alors peut-être qu'elle n'approuve tout simplement pas les jouets sexuels ou la masturbation en général.. Si tel est le cas, nous devons savoir exactement pourquoi elle n'approuve pas.

My girlfriend got a vibrator. Does this mean I’m not good enough?

La réponse est non. Si elle a un vibromasseur, c'est parce que tu n'es pas là (ou tu l'as laissée seule dans la maison). Ce n'est pas une mise en accusation de vos prouesses sexuelles.

Je dois dire que je n'ai jamais entendu ça d'un mec avant. Mais je ne pense pas qu'il soit trop inhabituel pour une femme de ne pas se sentir en sécurité si son partenaire reçoit un nouveau jouet.

Quant à savoir si elle devrait s'en débarrasser, cela dépend du type de relation que vous avez. Si vous avez une relation ouverte et que vous avez tous les deux convenu qu'elle pouvait sortir le vibromasseur quand vous n'étiez pas là, alors il ne devrait pas y avoir de problème pour le garder autour.

Si elle veut juste l'utiliser occasionnellement lorsqu'elle a besoin d'aide supplémentaire pour descendre pendant votre absence - ou même veut juste montrer à quel point elle pense être une bonne amante - alors gardez le vibromasseur et amusez-vous.!

How do I secretly buy a vibrator? Je suis 19 and still live with my parents, and I’ll be using my own money.

Il existe de nombreuses façons d'acheter un vibromasseur sans que personne ne le sache.

1. Aller dans un sex-shop avec un ami qui est fini 18 et achète le vibromasseur pour vous.

2. Obtenez une carte de crédit prépayée ou une carte-cadeau.

3. Appelez Amazon, tell them you’re having trouble with your account, et demandez-leur de vous envoyer une nouvelle carte de débit. They’ll send it right away, et tout ce que vous avez à faire est de mettre le nouveau numéro sur votre compte sans vérification requise (you don’t even need an ID). Puis, utilisez cette carte pour acheter le vibrateur en ligne et le faire expédier directement à votre domicile (ou n'importe où).

Can I get “desensitized” by too much vibrator use?

L'idée que vous pourriez finir par engourdir les nerfs de votre vagin et être incapable d'avoir un orgasme est absolument fausse.," déclare le docteur. Jessica Berger, un gynécologue spécialisé dans les douleurs pelviennes au North Shore-LIJ Health System à New Hyde Park, New York.

Shepherd dit qu'elle a entendu ce mythe répété plusieurs fois au cours de sa carrière, mais il n'y a aucune preuve scientifique pour le soutenir. « Les terminaisons nerveuses qui sont stimulées par le toucher ne sont pas les mêmes que celles qui sont stimulées par les vibrations," elle dit.

Mais qu'en est-il des femmes qui utilisent des vibrateurs toute la journée tous les jours? Y a-t-il un risque de désensibilisation? "Si vous l'utilisez trop, oui - mais vous ressentiriez un engourdissement ou des picotements avant de commencer à perdre la sensation, et il n'y a pas moyen de contourner cela, sauf en prenant une pause de jouets vibrants pendant quelques jours," dit le berger.

Non seulement il n'y a aucune raison de s'inquiéter de se désensibiliser avec un peu d'amour-propre (ou plaisir personnel), mais l'utilisation régulière d'un vibrateur peut en fait aider à prévenir la sécheresse vaginale et d'autres problèmes là-bas aussi - comme BV (alias vaginose bactérienne).

Are there negative effects to using a vibrator?

Les nerfs qui transmettent les sensations du vagin au cerveau peuvent être surstimulés.
The study about women’s vibrator use affirms what many doctors and therapists have known for decades — que l'utilisation du vibromasseur est courante, it’s linked to positive sexual function such as desire and ease of orgasm, and it’s rarely associated with any side effects,” Docteur. Rachel Needle a dit à INSIDER. “Cependant, l'utilisation excessive ou trop fréquente d'un vibromasseur peut avoir des effets négatifs.”

D'après Aiguille, une stimulation excessive peut provoquer un engourdissement du clitoris, ce qui peut rendre le sexe moins agréable et même douloureux. Le résultat est souvent un cercle vicieux: Les vibromasseurs sont utilisés plus fréquemment pour compenser ce manque de sensation, conduisant à plus d'engourdissement et à une utilisation encore plus fréquente.

Un autre problème associé à la surutilisation des vibrateurs est ce qu'on appelle “dépendance au vibrateur,” ce qui se produit lorsque les gens comptent sur eux à chaque rapport sexuel plutôt que sur leur partenaire ou sur une autre forme de stimulation sexuelle. “Cela peut entraîner des problèmes tels qu'une incapacité à atteindre l'orgasme sans vibromasseur,” dit l'aiguille.

Is your vibrator addiction ruining your ability to orgasm?

A study published in the journal Sexual and Relationship Therapy found that many women who regularly use vibrators have a difficult time reaching orgasm with their partners, while other women report no such issues.

I’ve always been a big fan of vibrators,” says Debby Herbenick, associate professor at Indiana University and co-author of The Coregasm Workout: A Simple Fitness Plan to Additional Orgasms. “But I do think they can become problematic if used in excess.

Overuse of vibrators can numb the vagina over time, ce qui rend plus difficile pour certaines femmes d'atteindre l'orgasme pendant les rapports sexuels. C'est ce qu'on appelle la désensibilisation ou le vaginisme (quand les muscles autour du vagin se resserrent). Certains théoriciens ont même proposé un terme pour ce qu'ils pensent qu'il arrive à une vulve qui a été désensibilisée par l'utilisation excessive d'un vibromasseur.: “dépendance au vibromasseur.”

Is it weird to buy and use a vibrator on your girlfriend or wife?

Absolument pas. Ma femme adore se masturber avec des vibromasseurs. Alors je lui achète un nouveau jouet tous les quelques mois. Elle a une collection de vibromasseurs et de godes qu'elle utilise régulièrement, et elle ne s'en lasse pas. En réalité, she always looks forward to using them when I’m away on business trips.

My wife has a great time using her toys while I’m away, and it’s no big deal for me that she does so. I don’t care what she does with her toys as long as she’s happy and satisfied when we’re together again!

Should I Buy My Girlfriend A Vibrator?

If you’re in a relationship, it’s important to keep the sexual spark alive and well. La meilleure façon d'y parvenir est d'essayer de nouvelles choses et d'explorer votre sexualité ensemble..

Vibrators are great for couples because they can be used together or separately. If your girlfriend has never used one before, she may be nervous about using it at first. So why not make her first experience with a vibrator as pleasurable as possible?

If you have any concerns about buying her a vibrator, take a deep breath and relax. She will be so happy with this gift; she’ll probably want to thank you over and over again!

What happens if two people use the same vibrator?

The study, published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, ont constaté que la plupart des femmes qui utilisaient des vibromasseurs le faisaient avec leur partenaire.

Les chercheurs ont recruté des femmes âgées 18 pour 60 ans qui ont visité une clinique pour des soins gynécologiques de routine à l'Université de Californie, San Fransisco (UCSF). Les participants ont été interrogés sur leur nombre de partenaires sexuels au cours de leur vie, s'ils avaient déjà utilisé un vibromasseur et quel type de vibromasseur ils utilisaient. On leur a également demandé s'ils avaient déjà partagé des jouets sexuels avec quelqu'un d'autre.

Les résultats ont montré qu'au moins un type de vibrateur était partagé par 2% of women during their lifetime. A total of 44% reported sharing vibrators with their partner, alors que 14% reported sharing with friends or family members other than their partner. The researchers found that men who had anal sex with other men were more likely to use shared sex toys than those who did not have anal sex with men.
“Sex toys used between partners within the same sexual encounter have the potential for transmitting HPV,” Anderson told Reuters Health. "Le nettoyage du jouet sexuel a le potentiel de diminuer la quantité d'ADN du VPH que nous pouvons détecter et peut donc potentiellement réduire le risque de transmission."

Could shared sex toys transmit HPV?

Les chercheurs ont conclu que le partage de jouets sexuels peut potentiellement transmettre le VPH, mettant ainsi les partenaires à risque de contracter cette MST. Les résultats augmentent le nombre de comportements associés à la transmission du VPH et indiquent un besoin de recommandations spécifiques pour le nettoyage des jouets sexuels.

Le VPH est la maladie sexuellement transmissible la plus courante aux États-Unis., selon les Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Plus de la moitié des personnes sexuellement actives le contracteront au cours de leur vie, bien que beaucoup ne présentent aucun symptôme et ne sachent pas qu'ils sont infectés.

Le virus se transmet par contact peau à peau lors d'une activité sexuelle. Le CDC recommande d'utiliser des préservatifs pendant les rapports sexuels pour prévenir la transmission du VPH entre partenaires.

How do you clean HPV off sex toys?

Quelles sont les meilleures façons de nettoyer les jouets sexuels?

Les jouets sexuels réutilisables peuvent être nettoyés à l'eau et au savon. Si vous voulez les désinfecter, vous pouvez utiliser un 10% solution d'eau de Javel ou peroxyde d'hydrogène (ne jamais mélanger ces deux ensemble). Vous pouvez également utiliser une solution de nettoyage commerciale comme un nettoyant Sex Toy ou un savon antibactérien, qui sont disponibles dans la plupart des pharmacies.
Comment savoir si j'ai une MST?

Si vous avez des symptômes d'une MST, consultez votre médecin tout de suite. Votre médecin procédera à un examen physique et vous posera des questions sur vos antécédents sexuels. Ils peuvent également prélever un échantillon de votre peau ou de vos parties génitales et le tester pour les MST.

Puis-je donner à quelqu'un d'autre une MST?

Oui, although it’s rare for someone to get an STD from using sex toys. Most STDs are spread through direct contact with infected body fluids, such as semen and vaginal fluid. But some STDs (like hepatitis B) can be spread through blood-to-blood contact — including sharing needles or razors used on the infected skin.

Une femme peut-elle perdre la sensation dans son clitoris à cause d'une utilisation excessive d'un vibromasseur? Si oui, reviendra-t-il un jour?

I have known women that have lost all feeling in their clitoris due to overuse of the vibrator. The nerves became damaged and they were unable to feel .

I do not know if it will come back, mais je sais que certaines femmes ont eu le problème réparé par la chirurgie.

C'est une zone très délicate et doit être traitée avec soin.
Je recommanderais d'utiliser vos doigts au lieu d'un vibromasseur pour éviter ce problème.

Je suis 12 ans et je veux utiliser un vibromasseur. Je veux le dire à ma mère mais j'ai peur. Que fais-je?

Tu es juste 12 et vous voulez utiliser un vibromasseur. I don’t think that’s a good idea. Vous ne devriez pas faire ces choses à cet âge parce que vous n'êtes pas complètement développé et que votre corps n'est pas prêt à le gérer.
Si vous me demandez, je vous dirai que vous n'êtes pas assez grand pour faire tous ces actes. You yourself are scared to talk about this with your mom because you fully know that she will be against it.

So what do we do? Hé bien, here’s my suggestion: If you really have this desire then try talking about it with her in a casual way (not like, “Mom, can I use a vibrator?”). She might be surprised but don’t worry if she doesn’t understand or agree with it at first. Just keep talking about it until she does understand and agrees with it. It might take weeks or even months but don’t give up! The most important thing is that your relationship with your mother is safe and secure so don’t let anything come between the two of you!

Comment expliquer son jouet sexuel à sa mère?

Pour beaucoup de gens, l'idée d'expliquer leurs jouets sexuels à leurs parents fait grincer des dents. But if you’re not ashamed of your sexuality, then there’s no reason for you not to talk about it openly.

And if you’re worried about how your parents would react, voici quelques façons d'expliquer votre jouet sexuel:
If it’s a bullet vibrator, ou quelque chose qui ressemble à un masseur de dos, tu peux très bien t'en passer. If you don’t feel like telling your parents what exactly this object is used for, just tell them that it’s a back massager and they’ll probably be okay with it.

Si vous avez un gode ou un harnais ceinture, simply say that it’s an extension that helps you reach different angles during intercourse. They might still be confused about why you need this extension but at least they won’t get an embarrassing hearing about what it does!

Je suis 12 ans et je veux utiliser un vibromasseur. Je veux le dire à ma mère mais j'ai peur. Que fais-je?

Si vous me demandez, je vous dirai que vous n'êtes pas assez grand pour faire tous ces actes. You yourself are scared to talk about this with your mom because you fully know that she would get upset on hearing this.
I think it is better to go for counseling once in a while. This will help you overcome your fear and also help in finding out the reasons for which you want to use this device.

You can also read about its effects on the body, mind, and soul and then decide whether or not to use it.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please write them in the comments below!

Je suis 13 et je veux acheter un vibromasseur en ligne, mais je n'ai pas de carte et je ne peux l'acheter qu'avec la carte de mes parents. Vont-ils savoir ce que j'achète?

Je suis 13 et je veux acheter un vibromasseur en ligne, mais je n'ai pas de carte et je ne peux l'acheter qu'avec la carte de mes parents. Vont-ils savoir ce que j'achète?

J'ai ajouté quelques jouets pour animaux de compagnie pour qu'ils ne soient pas suspects, mais je ne sais pas s'ils peuvent voir ce que j'ai acheté..
Mes parents découvriront-ils ce que j'ai acheté?

Pardon, mais tes parents sauront exactement ce que tu as acheté. Le site Web va leur envoyer un e-mail indiquant que vous avez effectué un achat et le montant dépensé. Si vous voulez acheter quelque chose d'Amazon, utilisez votre propre carte de crédit ou demandez à vos parents s'ils peuvent payer pour vous.

Quel a été votre premier vibromasseur?

I don’t remember the first vibrator I ever used, but I do remember the first one that made an impression on me. I was in my late teens and living in New York City at the time. My girlfriend had just gotten a vibrator as a gift from her boyfriend and we were having a “les filles’ nightwith a bunch of other girls.

We all gathered in her bedroom, giggling and excited to try out this new thing. I still remember how strange it felt to see all these women sitting around with their legs spread open, rubbing themselves with these strange contraptions. It was like nothing I had ever seen before.

I didn’t have any interest in using one at the time because I wasn’t even sure how they worked, but after watching my friends use theirs for a while, I decided to give it a shot myself. The next day I went out and bought my very own vibrator!

Un vibromasseur peut-il aider à éliminer un calcul rénal de l'urine?

The external physical vibration machine, which is self-developed in China, uses main and auxiliary vibrators to remove stones actively along the urinary tract. It has been employed to markedly improve the efficiency of removing upper urinary tract calculi in recent years [1]. The original design of this machine is based on a double-layer structure and is used to implement a combination of dynamic force and static force. The machine has been successfully applied in clinical treatment [2]. In this paper, the principle of vibration medicine was introduced, followed by an overview of the application range in urology and gynecology [3].

La médecine par vibration peut être utilisée pour traiter de nombreuses maladies, dont calculs rénaux (calculs rénaux), calculs biliaires (cholélithiase), fibromes utérins (myome), et autres maladies [4]. Ses avantages comprennent 1) pas d'effets secondaires; 2) facile à utiliser; 3) effet rapide; 4) faible coût; 5) haute efficacité par rapport aux autres traitements.

La machine à vibration physique externe utilise des vibrateurs principaux et auxiliaires pour éliminer activement les calculs le long des voies urinaires. La machine a été utilisée pour améliorer considérablement l'efficacité de l'élimination des calculs des voies urinaires supérieures au cours des dernières années [1]. The original design of this machine is based on

J'ai trouvé un vibromasseur dans la chambre de ma fille de 16 ans. Que dois-je en faire?

If your daughter is 16, she is old enough to be sexually active and she may even be having sex with someone else. It is important for parents to know that teenagers who are having sex are at risk for pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Parents need to talk openly about safe sex with their children so they can make good decisions about their sexual behavior.

If you have no other reason to believe that your daughter is having sex, alors il n'y a aucune raison de la punir d'avoir un vibromasseur dans sa chambre. En réalité, vous devriez parler de rapports sexuels protégés avec elle afin qu'elle comprenne à quel point c'est important pour sa santé et son bien-être futurs. Si vous découvrez qu'elle utilise le vibromasseur à votre insu, ensuite, vous voudrez peut-être discuter des raisons pour lesquelles elle a estimé qu'elle ne pouvait pas vous parler de cette partie importante de sa vie et des mesures que vous pouvez prendre ensemble afin de maintenir une relation ouverte entre vous deux où la confiance est essentielle

Pouvez-vous emporter un vibromasseur comme bagage à main dans un avion ??

If you’re traveling by air with a vibrator, you’ll need to pack it in your checked luggage. L'administration de la sécurité des transports (CST) exige que tous les appareils électroniques soient emballés dans des bagages à main. If you have a vibrator that’s smaller than 3.4 onces, ou 100 millilitres, it can fit in your pocket or purse as long as it’s not powered on.

Si votre vibromasseur est plus grand que 3.4 onces et est sous tension, you’ll need to remove it from its packaging and put it into a clear plastic bag. Vous pouvez ensuite placer le vibromasseur en sac dans votre bagage à main pour le transport. Cela s'applique aux modèles à piles et enfichables.

Consultez notre guide complet sur l'emballage des jouets sexuels pour le voyage pour plus de conseils sur la façon d'emporter votre nouveauté préférée pour adultes avec vous lorsque vous voyagez en avion.

Que faites-vous si votre fille de 16 ans demande un vibromasseur?

J'ai récemment reçu un e-mail d'une mère qui s'inquiétait de l'intérêt de sa fille de 16 ans pour le sexe. Elle a dit que sa fille avait demandé un vibromasseur, et elle ne savait pas quoi répondre.

Elle a écrit: “I am so uncomfortable with the idea of her having a vibrator. I don’t want to be judgmental but it just seems like such a weird thing for a teenager to want. I mean, it’s not exactly what I imagined when she was young, but now that she is older, it seems even stranger. Plus, we are Catholic and I am afraid that if I say no, she will think I am judging her or something like that.”

Tout d'abord, let me say that it is time for your mea culpa. Send a text message to your daughter to get started so that she will not ignore you or pretend that she did not hear you when you call later today (if your relationship is good). Tell her that you love her very much and that you know that there may have been times in the past when you have missed an opportunity to tell her how much you care about her.

Comment trouver le meilleur vibromasseur en ligne?

If you’re just starting out with a vibrator, there are a few things to keep in mind. Première, look for a vibrator that’s waterproof and easy to clean. The more waterproof the vibrator is, the more options you’ll have for cleaning it — whether that’s in the bathtub or shower or by wiping it down with some rubbing alcohol.

Seconde, consider how strong the vibrations are. If you’ve never used a vibrator before, it can be overwhelming to try and figure out what level of vibration intensity feels best for you. For most people, toutefois, the first few levels of vibration will be plenty intense enough and give them all the pleasure they need.

Troisième, look for a vibrator that has multiple settings so that you can find your perfect speed and pattern over time. You might want something simple like a steady vibration setting at first while you get used to using your new toy; toutefois, once you start experimenting with different speeds and patterns, it’s nice to have more options available!

Quelle est votre opinion sur les adolescentes utilisant des vibromasseurs?

I think girls should be able to use them at any age. It’s a fun, sûr, way to experience pleasure. If I had a daughter, I’d buy her one. (I have two sons.)

I think that if you’re using a vibrator as part of your sex life and it’s something you both enjoy and want to do, there’s nothing wrong with it.

I think it’s great because it helps people figure out what they like and don’t like, and it can help with sexual dysfunction or problems with arousal or desire. It’s also great for solo play and can help women learn what turns them on when they’re alone.

If someone feels guilty about using one or gets caught by their partner using one, then that’s something for them to work out individually with their partner if they want input from them on it — not something that should be policed by the general public or by strangers online who have no idea what kind of relationship they have and what they may or may not have agreed upon between each other in terms of what’s okay/not okay to do in bed together as part of their sex life together as a couple/partners/spouses/lovers

Why does my vibrator seem like it is dying even though I frequently change the batteries and it is in good condition?

The motor could be slowing down due to insufficient lubrication, a loose connection introducing a high resistance to the circuit, or depending on how tight the spring is wound in the vibrator. If your vibrator is very old and you have changed the batteries multiple times and it still does not work, then it is most likely time for a new one.

The motor of a vibrator has two speeds: low and high. The low speed is usually used for warming up and the high speed for the actual stimulation. Some vibrators also have multiple speeds, which may be controlled by pressing a button that changes the vibration level or by rotating a dial that increases or decreases power. In order to keep your vibrator in good condition, you should avoid leaving it on high indefinitely because this can wear down its battery life as well as cause damage to the motor.

There are many factors that can affect how long your vibrator lasts once you turn it on:
The type of batteries you use; alkaline batteries last longer than alkaline-manganese or zinc-carbon batteries

The number of times you use your vibrator; if you use it frequently, expect shorter battery life than if

How do you change the batteries in a bullet vibrator?

The vibrating bullet is equipped with a AAA battery, it’s replaceable, not stuck in there, first, unscrew the cap, then put the battery port down and the battery will fall out. If it doesn’t fall out, tap it and it will fall out.

The vibrating bullet is equipped with a AAA battery, it’s replaceable, not stuck in there, first, unscrew the cap, then put the battery port down and the battery will fall out. If it doesn’t fall out, tap it and it will fall out.

How do you open a mini bullet?

The Mini Bullet Vibrator is made of high-quality materials. The vibrator has a plastic exterior and a silicone interior. The top of the product twists to open it up for battery replacement, as well as for cleaning purposes.

The Mini Bullet Vibrator comes with an instruction manual that will guide you through how to use the product, how to clean it and how to replace the battery if necessary.

In order to open the vibrator, twist the top counterclockwise until it unlocks and opens up. Inside there is a small screw that holds the battery in place. Remove this screw using a small Phillips head screwdriver or any other small tool that will fit inside the hole (we recommend using something like an eyeglass repair kit). Once removed, replace with a new AAA battery (not included) making sure you line up the positive side of the battery first (red wire on top). Once secured back into place with a screw, close the top again by twisting clockwise until tight.

What batteries do vibrating bullets take?

The vibrating bullets are rechargeable and come with a cord for charging.
To charge, you need to twist the top of the product( where the on/off button is) counterclockwise, and then it should open to let you replace the AAA battery.

The bullet itself will have a small wire coming out of it that connects to a jack that plugs into your computer or charger. When you plug in your bullet and flip the switch on, it will light up green and start charging. The bullet takes about 1 hour to fully charge and then lasts for about 10-15 minutes depending on how high you set your vibrations.

How do you charge a tiny teaser bullet?

Charge up your passion in only 50 minutes by plugging the provided USB cable into the self-sealing charging port on the back of the massager. To charge your bullet, simply connect it to any USB port or wall adapter and you’re ready to go.

The Best Part:
You’ll never have to worry about running out of batteries with this rechargeable toy. If you do run out of juice, simply plug in the included USB charger and you’re ready for more fun!

I got a new vibrator and I can’t get the battery out?

I bought a new vibrator and when I took the battery cap off, it wouldn’t come out. Alors, I tried to shake it out, but it won’t budge. Is there anything else I can do?

UNE: Hé bien, tu n'es pas seul. This happens quite often and we’ve been able to find some answers for you. First off: make sure that you have an AA battery in there, not AAA. If you have AAA batteries in there, they’ll be too small for the compartment and won’t come out easily.

So make sure that’s not what happened! Aussi, look at the top of your battery compartmentthere should be a thin gap where your batteries go in. The gap is designed to allow room for the batteries to expand during use (the vibrations will cause them to). If your vibrator doesn’t have this gap or if your gap is too big (more than 1/8wide) then it might be difficult for your vibrator to function properly or even break down completely over time due to a lack of movement within the motor casing (it may not turn on at all). Dans ce cas

Are vibrators loud?

Vibrators are a huge part of the sex toy industry, with millions of women using them every day. But how loud are they?

They can be. Vibrating toys range from little bullet-sized devices all the way up to large vibrating wands. Each type and size has advantages and disadvantages.

The main thing to keep in mind is that the louder the vibration, the larger the surface area will be. That means more noise. Cependant, there are many ways to reduce vibrations so that they’re not so loud. We’ll cover those later on in this article.
Vibrator Noise Levels Explained

Vibrators come in many shapes and sizes — from small bullets to large wands — but they produce similar levels of sound at their highest speeds. Here’s how loud your vibrator is likely to be for each type:
Small Bullets: Usually around 75 décibels (dB).

What are your favorite sex toys?

Hé bien, I haven’t tried too many of them, but I can recommend the (embarrassingly named) Vulcan Tight Anus (link to url shortener because link broke formatting)

It’s pretty nice for my purposes. Good points:

I’m about 5 inches or so, and it has plenty of depth for me.
You can adjust the pressure by covering or opening a hole at the end with your thumb

Feels really good

Included a decent bullet vibe (if you don’t care, there’s a non-vibrating version for like, 5 bucks cheaper. I found it utterly pointless, but my girlfriend loves it, so…win?

How does it feel when a guy puts his penis in your butt and a dildo in your vagina at the same time?

I am a woman and my boyfriend is a male. The feeling I will experience is double orgasm, the penis will constantly stimulate the buttocks, and the dildo will stimulate the G-spot and clitoris, it will make me feel very much stimulated and will soon enter into orgasm.

The anal sex game is very exciting for me, but I don’t want to do it often because it hurts me a lot when my boyfriend penetrates my anus with his penis too deeply.

So we have agreed on this, if he wants to play this game again, I need to take medicine that can relieve pain first before we started playing. So now we have been playing this game many times already and everything is OK now,

What’s the difference between a dildo and a real penis?

Dick is warm, gets hard and soft, and you feel it is alive and pulsating.

Godes, on the other hand, are cold and lifeless, and some have very hard heads.

Par exemple, back when I started experimenting with sex toys, the popular dildos were either hard plastic, soft plastic or jelly. In contrast, today’s dildos are made of TPE, silicone blends, and skin-like materials. en outre, many of these dildos look and feel like real penises. But if that’s not your thing, you can find dildos in a rainbow of colors, y compris, bien, a rainbow of dildos!

How does a masturbator feel?

You may be considering buying your first dildo, but are unsure and wondering, “How does a dildo feel?” I will be 100% honest and tell you that a dildo feels a lot like being penetrated by a penis, but there are some differences that I will explain below. Dildos stretch your vagina or anus, electrifying all those sensitive nerve endings. en outre, they give you the sensation of fullness.

Combined with the ability to stimulate the female G-spot or male prostate, dildos can take you to the big O you need. so whether you’re using a dildo alone or your partner is using one on you, a dildo feels like penetrative intercourse. Et, if you can find a way to go hands-free through your partner, a suction cup dildo or even a sex machine, the dildo feels amazing

In detail, sex with a penis feels similar to how a dildo feels inside you. But the big difference is that penises are warm, come in all shapes and sizes, and move without your assistanceto a certain extent. The weight of the man’s body, connected to the penis, also adds a lot to the experience.
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As a teen girl, how many times have you masturbated in your bed?

If you’re like most women, you probably don’t do it as much as you’d like!
A new study reveals that 92% of women regularly take time out to masturbate, a huge jump from the findings of previous studies (74% dans 1979 et 62% dans 1953).

The study also found that most women who masturbate do so in their bedrooms, but not all: some prefer the bathroom or kitchen. And when asked why they chose certain spaces over others to masturbate, they said things likeit’s more comfortable,” “I feel safe,” et “I’m more likely to get caught there.

How can a teenage boy start anal masturbation?

I am a 14-year-old boy and have tried this method. Use something long and round, like your finger or toothbrush. Make sure you have enough lubricant to slide the object in and make sure you have a plan afterward. It also works best if you’ve pooped earlier in the day so you don’t make a mess and your insides get rinsed out with water.

The best place to do this is in the shower. Squirt a handful of soap on your finger and smear it around and inside your bottom. Insert your thumb or another finger inside your anus and press down on the walnut-textured part, the prostate. Stimulate the prostate gland just enough and you can have a hands-free orgasm.

If you’re home alone or no one can hear you, an electric toothbrush is another good option. Insert one end of the handle inward and turn it on. It will vibrate, which will also give you a prostate orgasm.
Finger or any long, thin, round object. Make sure you lubricate whatever you are using with saliva or real lube because otherwise it will be quite hard, painful and may even cause bleeding trying to get anything in. If you use an object like a handle or vegetable, be sure to wrap it in a condom (I personally used sandwich-sized Ziploc bags when I was younger and didn’t have access to condoms).

Posture. I find the best position to start in is on your back with your feet flat on the floor and bring them closer to you so your knees are bent and outward. This will give you very easy access to everything downstairs. If done properly, anal sex will make you feel weak and make it easier than usual for you to come. On your back, you are not in danger of falling/getting hurt while you are getting used to it.
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What should a 13-year-old boy put in his ass?

Nothing, you are still 13.
If you do, make sure it has a FLANGED BOTTOM… or it could get stuckyou don’t want to go to the ER like that.

Do young girls masturbate with each other?

The short answer is no, young girls will not masturbate with each other.
Masturbation is a solo activity. The very idea of masturbating with someone else is just plain weird. But it’s something that some people do want to try, so it’s good to know what the risks are.

The most obvious risk of masturbating together is that you’re both naked and touching each other during the act. This can lead to feelings of arousal that neither girl wanted or expected. If one girl gets aroused, she may feel embarrassed and guilty, even if she doesn’t think it’s wrong. The other girl may feel jealous because she didn’t want arousal at all — she just wanted to help her friend out by watching or holding hands or something like that.

Another risk is unwanted pregnancy and STD transmission if either girl has sex with another person later on (even if she doesn’t know it). Even though both girls are virgins, they still have blood vessels inside their vaginas which could be infected by an STI from another person or cause bleeding during intercourse later on in life.

Finally, there’s always some chance that one girl might tell someone else about what happened between them — possibly even her parents or another adult who would

If a guy likes to ride a dildo, is he gay?

Alors, no, if a guy likes to ride a dildo, he is not gay unless he is sexually and romantically attracted to men.

But let’s assume for a moment that he does like men. Does that mean that all the other things he likes are wrong? Of course not. The majority of people who like men and women also like other things besides sex with the opposite or same-sex.

The point is that sexuality is complicated, and it’s not always black and white (pun intended). A person can be straight, gay, or bisexual — or none of those things. Sexuality is fluid, and there are a lot of shades between straight and gay/bisexual.

So if you’re worried about whether your husband might be gay because he likes riding a dildo, don’t worry about it. It doesn’t mean anything at all unless he has feelings for men as well as women.

What everyday items can be used as sex toys?

Tape. Don’t limit this oft-ignored utility to just cardboard and paper. You can find a whole new use for it!

Ice. It may be freezing cold but there’s nothing like ice to make things HOT!
Spatula. A spatula is great for those who want something that they can play with and then put away without having to worry about cleanup.

Towel wet with hot water.
Washing Machine. Make sure your partner knows what you’re up to before turning on the washer!

Cellphone. The vibrating feature is great for clitoral stimulation and it’s portable too!
Banana Peel. If you’re feeling kinky, you can use a banana peel as a blindfold for your partner or yourself! Just don’t eat the banana afterward because that would be gross!

Women, how old were you when you first got a vibrator/dildo? How was it?

I was 11 when I got my first vibrator. Quand j'étais 10, I was snooping through my 19-year-old sister’s room, and found in her nightstand drawer, several items I wasn’t familiar with. I picked up one and turned it on, and it shook like crazy when turned all the way up. I had an idea what it was for, but I thought that was my mind just being dirty. I had already sort of been masturbating. At night I would lay in bed and feel around, and noticed how it would feel when I rubbed my clit up and down. I didn’t know it was a clit, all I knew was it felt good.

I went home after school one day and asked my mom if she knew what those things were? She said yes they were sex toys for women who needed extra stimulation to reach orgasm (that word sounded so funny coming from her mouth). After hearing this news from her, she then proceeded to tell me how important sex is in marriage and how important it is to wait until you find someone special before having sex for the first time. She also told me about birth control pills and condoms. Then she showed me where she kept them in her bathroom cabinet at home.

How was your experience buying your first vibrator?

I went to Spencer’s and ‘pretendedto shop around knowing damn well why I came there. Alors, my anxious 17 self decided to buy the cheapest and one of the most discreet vibrators I could finda little egg-shaped thing with a button on it. It had a few speeds and was super quiet, which is probably why I bought it.

I wasn’t sure how this was supposed to work but I figured, what better way to learn than by doing? Alors, I took the egg into my bedroom and locked myself in there for like an hour while I tried to figure out what all these buttons did.

It didn’t take long for me to figure out that if you put batteries in both ends of this thing, it would turn on. And once you figured out how to flip that switch off again…you could actually use this thing as a vibrator! It wasn’t very powerful though and didn’t really do much for me but the fact that it even worked at all was enough for me at that point.

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